Monday, February 27, 2012

How is ORGANISATION helping us with our BP Challenges?

"It has been good because we have been organising what each person will do during the time we have."  Abilene

"Organisation for our team is important because if you need tape and your workspace is messy, you're wasting time trying to find it.  It can also affect your group working and can start or stop an argument.  It helps you to stay on task and not get distracted."

"It is important for us because then we know what we are doing ad when we need to do it."

"If we weren't organised it would be a mess.  We keep track of time and keep a watch on how many resources we have left.  We decide who does what so each person has something to do which helps us to complete each task."

"It helps us to keep everyone on task and to get our challenges done.  We organise our time well."

"We organise all of our gear, we think of a plan, we get together and do the challenges as a team."

"We can get everything finished in time.  If we weren't organised we wouldn't know what we were doing.  It makes doing the challenges easier."

"It helps us get it done faster and smoother and makes us work as a team better, even when some of our stuff didn't work."

"We get things done on time and up to the right standard."

"Organisation is important for our team because it helps us make sure we have done everything that is needed.  It helps us build our teamwork skills."

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